Seylan Baxter

Scottish Folk Cellist, Actress and Folk SInger

Hello and welcome! The site is divided into two sections: actress and musician. You'll find a CV, videos etc. in each.

  • I was the first principal study cellist to graduate from the RSAMD (now Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) with a BA Hons in Scottish Music. My subsidiary studies were Scots and Gaelic song.

I began playing classical cello at school, aged 10, but now specialise in Scottish folk, improvisation and non-classical cello.

As well as acoustic cello I play a 6-string Ned Steinberger electric cello. I also use a 3 track looping pedal  (Boss RC300) for a full, multi-cello sound.

I have played in two folk duos, Tattie Jam, and Cheyenne Brown and Seylan Baxter and, when space and logistics allow, I perform as part of Gerda Stevenson's band. I've also performed with many other ensembles, notably Spanish folk band, Acetre.

In 2007 I won a CATS Award (Critics Award for Theatre in Scotland) for my part in the music for The Lassies O, directed by John Bett and in 2013 I composed the music for and performed in Skeleton Wumman, directed by Gerda Stevenson.

I composed and performed the score for two short films: Best Man (self produced) and  Inverkin, directed by Neil Boyle.


2:forty - Cheyenne Brown and Seylan Baxter

Jam - Tattie Jam (Seylan Baxter and Ruaridh Pringle)

Night Touches Day - Gerda Stevenson

Parallel Latitudes - Cheyenne Brown

JAM - Tattie Jam

Me and Mary Anne - Bon McNeill

Ken Campbell'd Ideal Band

2:forty - Cheyenne Brown and Seylan Baxter

Take the Road to Aberfeldy - Margaret Bennett

Words O Fiction - Ian Ingram

Barrunto - Acetre