Seylan Baxter

Scottish Folk Cellist, Actress and Folk SInger

Hello and welcome! The site is divided into two sections: actress and musician. You'll find a CV, videos etc. in each.


Wullie Baxter - slow air written as a Christmas present for my dad.

Windblown (march) and Hard Case (reel)

My beautiful cello, made by Eric Jackson who lives in North Uist, was blown over in a gust of wind when I answered a phone call and took my hand off the case for a second. The impact broke the neck (now impeccably repaired by Eric so as good as new again) despite the hard case it was in. My insurance had lapsed and it was a very expensive repair so I decided to try to make something good out of the disaster and write a couple of tunes.

I recorded the set in Ruaridh Pringle’s studio ( and he added some percussion on Hard Case as well as some production help.

I’m delighted to say that Windblown has made it to the Music Hub 2018 collection of their top 20 tunes.

Other tunes I’ve written include 40 Carot Walk: a 40th birthday present for my friend, Ailsa Mary Gold who has a lovely bouncy and energetic walk, Clyde Water, which is in the Tattie Jam album, Jam, Belugas at Turnagain for the wedding of Kirsty Muir and Giles Gamble remembering an astounding encounter at Turnagain Arm in Alaska while at the wedding of Cheyenne Brown and Graham Muir, for whom I wrote The Bird Creek Bridal. Ciorstan’s Reel was written for my sister’s 50th (I wanted to call it 50 cent Sister but she preferred the more stylish title!) . Laura, mother of Princes was for the 50th of my friend Laura Mc Gadie, who’s married to Daniel Prince.